
Action Bronson Shouldn't Have Challenged Justin Bieber In Ping Pong

By HHL Editors

Action Bronson can cook a mean meal and drop some vicious bars. But when it comes to racket sports, he should probably take a pass.

Especially when his opponent is going to be Justin Bieber.

Bronson and the Canadian terror were at a ping pong charity event in NYC last night, when Action decided to challenge the tyke to a game.

Bieber, decked out in the new Yeezy Boosts, reluctantly agreed. Then Biebs smoked him 21-2 (video below.) Apparently, Bieber is such a ping pong shark he has a rider in his contract to include a table backstage at all of his shows. Action didn't know this, and the 31-year old emcee's ass-kicking, body-slamming persona just took a big hit.

At least Action was a good sport about it.

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