
Adrien Broner Says He's Sorry For Profane Diss Of Jay-Z and Rihanna

By HHL Editors

On Friday, boxer Adrien Broner gave us all a chuckle with a profane rant against Jay-Z and then Rihanna. The three-time world champion had been insulted by Roc Nation's sports management low-ball offer to him.  So he told Hov to "suck my dick with an elephant tongue," and dismissed Rihanna, a Roc Nation client, as just "pussy" and "that's it."

On Sunday night, Broner was singing a different tune, and apologized for the vulgarities he had directed toward the mega-stars.

According to Broner, a "big homie" whom he respects set him straight, and made him realize that he was wrong for inviting "another man to another man’s private part." He also said his words about Rihanna were inappropriate and he regretted them. See Broner's apology below, and also the clip that he had to apologize for.

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