
Azealia Banks Calls Flight Attendant Faggot After She Punched French Tourist [VIDEO]

By HHL Editors

Azealia Banks is as volatile on a plane as she is on Twitter.

The notorious social media troll was trying to quickly exit her Delta flight to LA early this morning when she ran into a French couple who were still removing their luggage from the overhead.

Eyewitnesses say that when the man reached out his hand to prevent Banks from bulldozing them she went crazy, spitting on the man, grabbing his shirt and punching him in the face.

While there is no video of that altercation, we do have a clip of its aftermath. In it, a flight attendant tries to calm Banks down and explain to her the proper plane exiting etiquette. She doesn't appreciate that and calls him a "fucking faggot."

The French couple has declined to press charges against Banks because they are in the US on vacation and they don't want to deal with the hassle.

Of course, Banks had something to say on Twitter about the incident:

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