
Charles Barkley Breaks Down Michael Jordan's Golf Gambling Habits

By HHL Editors

barkleyCharles Barkley and Michael Jordan are old friends, who both like to gamble and play golf.

But when they combine those two activities, they go about it very differently.

In an interview with Dan Patrick, Barkley explaina what it's likes to bet on golf with the GOAT.

“I tell you what, I’ve never been under more pressure, and I apologize to Michael for saying this. So we’d be playing golf with certain people, and we’d be playing for a couple hundred dollars a hole, nothing crazy. And he’d be playing some guy for $100,000 a hole. And he’s like, ‘Charles, pick that up.’ And I’m like, ‘This putt is for $200.’ He’d be like, ‘Pick that up Charles, get out of my way. You’re in my line.’ I’d say, ‘How much is that putt worth?’ And he’d say, ‘300,000. dollars’ I said, ‘let me get out of your line.’ It was crazy man. They were playing for like hundreds of thousands of dollars, it was crazy.”
Barkley went on to say he doesn't understand why MJ would play for that much.

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