
Chris Tucker Finally Updates 'Last Friday'

By HHL Editors

Chris Tucker is known for picking his movie roles carefully.

In fact, he's only appeared in one film (2012's Silver Linings Playbook) since Rush Hour 3 in 2007.

While Tucker is rumored to be doing a Rush 4, you hear a lot less about him reprising his other classic film character: Smokey from Friday.

In a new interview, Tucker answered questions about Friday, conceding he saw it on TV the other day and it made him laugh. However, he's not so sure about revisiting it.

"I don't know if we can do another one,' Tucker said. I don't know if I could do another one because I was so young and it was a moment in time. But, we'll see."
Check the clip. When you hear him explain it, it doesn't sound like he'll be doing Last Friday.

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