
D'Angelo Russell Is Already Snitching On His Nets Teammates [VIDEO]

By HHL Editors

D'Angelo Russell's two-year run with the Lakers was marred by a notorious snitching incident.

It happened after he violated the most important of all the bro codes and videotaped a conversation he had with teammate Nick Young in which Young brags about having sex with a 19-year old.

The conversation leaked onto the Internet and proved Swaggy P had cheated on his then-fiancee Iggy Azalea.

[Related: Gilbert Arenas clowns Nick Young & Iggy Azalea.]

Lingering bad feelings about the incident probably contributed to the Lakers trading Russell to the Brooklyn Nets this offseason.

But getting shipped to the East Coast hasn't ended D'Angelo's snitching.

During his introductory press conference, he was asked about a late-night workout video he posted on his Instagram account earlier this week. In his answer, he revealed that his new teammate Caris LeVert was also supposed to be at the workout but didn't show up.

"Caris was supposed to be there, but he wasn't," Russell tattled to reporters. Then he took a quick glance over to his left, presumably aimed at LeVert.
Never change, D'Angelo.

He starts snitching at the 14:45 mark of the video below.

@cbrickley603 Late Nights

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