
Watch Eminem Flat Out Admit He's Fallen Off During His Coachella Set


Eminem was the one artist who didn't let his Coachella set get live streamed.

But chunks of it are still available because these days people all carry around a recording device everywhere they go.

In the clip below, Eminem seems to concede that he's fallen off, before playing one of his old classics.

Yo, Coachella I got a question right quick. Can I take you back to a time when I was actually dope? Coachella. Can we take you back to a motherfucking time when I was actually good," Eminem said, before breaking into "My Name Is."

Now it's possible Shady is being a bit sarcastic here and is responding to the criticism leveled against his latest album Revival, and to a lesser extent the second half of his career. (He had read some mean Tweets about him earlier in the show.)

But it certainly suggests that he is very aware of the criticism -- and may well agree with some of it.

What do you think?

Posted In: Video Eminem