
Federal Inmate Confesses To Murder On Facebook Live


Joseph Fletcher is serving 39 months in a federal prison in Atlanta for weapons charges.

He is supposed to get out in May.

However, the Akron, Ohio man may have jeopardized that with an unauthorized Facebook Live session recorded with a contraband cellphone. 

During the 49 minutes long video, Fletcher sipped Pepsi in his cell and bragged about being involved in multiple murders, including the 2010 shooting death of 19-year-old LaDonte Smith, for which he was never charged.

 Anthony “Champy” Smart is serving 17 years for the crime, but Fletcher confessed it was all him.

“Everybody knows I did it. I did it, yeah," Fletcher said, while pulling an imaginary trigger.

Fletcher also bragged of running Akron. But he says he's going to stay in Atlanta after he's let out to become a rapper because law enforcement has banned him from Ohio. He added that he plans to rap about his good buddy Smart, who took a manslaughter plea deal in Smith's death.

Smith’s mother demanded her son’s murder be revisited after Fletcher’s claims.

The Federal Bureau of Prisons is now investigating the FB video.

“We will take action based on our findings, including referring for prosecution, if needed," they told AJC.

Posted In: Video Crime
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