
French Cameraman Has No Idea Who Jay-Z and Beyoncé Are

By HHL Editors

The French are known for their culturally snobbery. But there are some American things they can't resist. Like McDonald's, Jerry Lewis and Jay-Z and Beyoncé.

Or at least we thought they couldn't get enough of music's royal couple. All we've been hearing about is what a big deal Jay and Bey have been over in France during their Parisian vacation.

But there is at least one Frenchman who cares nothing of the dynamic duo. The camerman in this video, shot in front of Paris's historic Louvre Museum, sees the commotion Jay-Z, Beyoncé and Blue Ivy are making. Then, when asked by one of the couple's security guards to shut off his camera, the Frenchman inquires "Who is he?" in broken English.

"Who are you," Jay-Z fires back, not missing a beat.

"Me, Paul!" the cameraman responds. Or maybe he said "I AM NEEEPOL!." We're not as on top of our French names as we should be. Anyway, if Nas ever rekindles his feud with Jay-Z he can put this Jigga-dissing Neepol on his next album.

Posted In: Video