
Full Video Of The Katt Williams Junior High School Fight Emerges

By HHL Editors

Earlier this week, Katt Williams somehow got into a fight with a junior high school student.

Now more of the video has emerged, and it paints the 45-year old comedian in a much better light.

In the new clip, Williams is playing soccer with a group of youngsters. One of them -- Luke -- appears to be harassing Williams and then follows him to the building where the initial video took place.

As you can see, Luke is goading Williams to fight him. Williams tries to diffuse the situation by explaining he's on probation, but that doesn't seem to work.

Finally, Williams takes a half swing at Luke, and then Luke takes him down.

While Luke is still being described as a seventh grader, it turns out he's also 15 and larger than the diminutive comedian.

Was Katt Williams bullied by a disrespectful kid?

Update: The Daily Mail interviewed Luke. Now his age is up to 17.

Posted In: Video