Future and his baby mama Ciara have been going back and forth this week about a couple of things, including her new, chaste relationship with Seattle Seahawks QB Russell Wilson.
Yesterday, a photo of Russell Wilson walking next to Ciara and pushing Future's son's stroller hit the web. As Future explained today on The Breakfast Club, it made him feel a certain type of why.
"Of course I wouldn’t want somebody pushing my son," he admits. "That’s the number one rule. If I was a kid, and my mama had a dude pushing me, I would’ve jumped out the stroller and slapped the shit out of him. You never do that in our community."However, Future doesn't blame Wilson for the faux pas.
"She set him up," he said. "You got nannies, you got assistants around you, anybody could've pushed that stroller. You letting them catch that photo. I’m not for the publicity stunts. Leave my son out of all the publicity stunts. Just leave him out of your relationship because we don’t need your relationship for anything. I can take care of him on my own. Without any help. I don’t need no help taking care of my son."The entire interview is below, the Stroller-gate discussion starts at about the 12 minute mark.