
The Game Gave A Random Seven Year Old A Huge Birthday Gift

By HHL Editors

Darkima Johnson was celebrating her son's seventh birthday Thursday at the Lenox Mall in Atlanta when she ran into The Game.

She asked him for a photo, and explained it was the little fellow's big day. Even though Jaden was too young to know who Game was, the emcee took out his wallet and gave Jaden a crisp $100 bill for every year he's been alive.

The Game's behavior can be pretty bipolar.  But when he's in the right kind of mood he's definitely the guy you want to run into on your birthday:

As you can see, The Game also had some advice  for what Jaden needs to do if someone comes for his cash. The 700 bucks is actually going to go to his mom, who said she's buying Jaden a four wheeler with it.

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