
GraveDigga Quez's Mom Goes Off On Him For Killing His Cousin


GraveDigga Quez has lived up to his name and then some.

According to his mom, the Louisiana rapper killed his own cousin, and now he can't go outside because of it.

She confronted him with this on his TikTok stream.

“You killed your own f*ckingg cousin, and you think that’s something cool.  That why your life is like it is right now.  I bet you 500 grand you can't go outside right now and walk around.  They'll do you like they did him.  Laugh at that, you weird ass  …I don’t see sh** funny about that. That’s the reason my family so divided now," Mom said.

During the argument, Quez seems to both confirm and deny he killed his kin.  However, it's a little hard to understand because of all the yelling.

Most people would have turned off the stream.

Posted In: Crime