
Hustle Simmons Fends Off Bleu Davinci’s Crew In SXSW Fight

By HHL Editors

Industry vet Hustle Simmons hosts an annual Hustlepalooza showcase for rappers at SXSW. At his 2015 version last week, Maybach Music Group emcee Tracy T wanted to get on stage with Black Mafia Family rapper Bleu Davinci, but Simmons told him no because the showcase was running out of time.

This led to a confrontation between Simmons and Davinci's B.M.F. crew that become violent when somebody sucker punched Simmons.

As you can see in the video below, Simmons held his own against multiple combatants. (While also protecting his dreads and keeping his pants mostly up.)

Then, when the fight was over, he delivered a rousing speech to the crowd.

The Black Mafia Family is closely tied to drug trafficking and organized crime, but Simmons didn't seem too worried about that.

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