
Jason Williams's Streetball Skills Are Still Very Strong

By HHL Editors

Nobody brought streetball to the NBA like Jason Williams did. Sure he was probably a better overall player toward the end of his career, when he ditched some of his no-look passes and vicious crossovers for ball protection and efficiency and won himself a championship with Miami. But he wasn't as fun.

These days, White Chocolate is having a whole lot of fun playing in the Orlando Pro Am League. You can see the joy in this highlight reel put together by Home Team Hoops.

'I ain't traveled since I was six,' Jason Williams screams at the beginning of the clip, and we're certainly willing to grant a baller with that much flair an extra step or two.

Do you think the 38-year old, who retired in 2011, could still play in the NBA? And who is Williams's streetball heir apparent in the league? Marshall Henderson, maybe?

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