
Jay Z Defuses Situation Between Bodyguard And Paparazzi

By HHL Editors

Jay Z is pretty used to being surrounded by cameras. And that goes double when he's with his famous wife.

Hov and Bey got swarmed by the paparazzi yesterday in Manhattan after walking out of a building. One of the lensman got a little too close to Jay's gigantic bodyguard and a bit of pushing ensued. (The action goes down at about the 47 second mark.)

As you can see, Jay plays peacemaker at risk of exposing himself to an extreme close up. It's good he did, because things have gotten rough between his bodyguards and the paparazzi in the past.

Appropriately, Hov was wearing a shirt that said "peace" during the incident.

Now he needs to bring some of that zen to the mess that is TIDAL.

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