
Jeezy Drops Video For 'Black Eskimo'

By HHL Editors

Snowman Jeezy went full on 'Black Eskimo' in one of the tracks off of his 2014 album Seen It All. We got visuals for the song today, and they feature Jeezy holding court from on top of a stove.

It's not even a particularly nice stove, as you can see.  Don't worry, as the video progresses Jeezy moves from vintage kitchen appliances to video staples like fancy cars, money stacks, gold chains, good booze, a throne, and women with nice racks. There are also some  handsome huskies -- keeping with the Eskimo theme -- by King Jeezy's side.

It's a pretty cool little video, oven and all. What do you think of the Motion Family directed effort?

Posted In: Video