
Jim Jones Cries When Talking About Cam'ron & Dipset [VIDEO]

By HHL Editors

Jim Jones made some news yesterday when he signed with his long time rival Jay Z and Roc Nation.

Some saw this as a shot against Cam'ron -- with whom Jones has been beefing with -- and Dipset.

In a new interview with Funk Flex, Jones discusses how the Diplomats got together and all he did for Cam at the beginning. When speaking on the sacrifices that he and his family went through in those early days, Jones became emotional and started crying.

"Cam was the person who got signed. He was the face card. I understood that. I made sure that everyone around me understood that. He's the prize possession. He can not be touched at all. If he get touched, we go there. And that was the method ... I put my life on the line for this. I've been on trial for this. I've been on 'America's Most Wanted' for this ... So when people play with me, I get real emotional," Jones said, as tears began to well.
Jump to about the 14 minute mark to hear Jones's emotional words.

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