
Kanye Blindsided Billboard Music Awards With Profanity Laden 'All Day'

By HHL Editors

Even if you were able to see Kanye West perform 'All Day' at the Billboard Music Awards through way too many pyrotechnics, you could still barely hear it.

That's because ABC bleeped out about half of the N-bomb-laden song.

Executives tell TMZ they were blindsided by Kanye's profanity, and had expected him to perform a cleaned up version.

"He knew it was national TV," a network source told TMZ.

One train of thought is that Kanye decided losing most of the performance to bleeps was worth the buzz and articles like this.

But there may have been something else going on.

TV audiences could hear the crowd boo pretty loudly as Kanye was announced. Now that may have had something to do with who was announcing him: his half-sisters in-laws Kylie and Kendall Jenner.

But those at the venue report the booing started after West's name was mentioned and before the Jenner girls took the stage. If true, it wouldn't surprise us if getting jeered by the crowd contributed to 'Ye's lyrical aggression.

Check out the intro and performance below:

Posted In: Video Kanye West