
Kevin Gates's Latest Instagram Stunt Is Bestiality

By HHL Editors

We thought Kevin Gates had exhausted the ways he could shock us sexually when he played the incest card.

We were wrong. In his latest TMI instagram post, Kevin Gates embraces bestiality.

Now there is no actual bestility in the videos below. We'd be committing a crime if there were. But in the clips Gates does tell a woman who may or may not be related to him that if she doesn't give his dog head she needs to hit the bricks.

"I hope you didn't think I got in the bed with you just to lay down with you," Gates says to a woman who is thankfully not on camera. “Bitch you can call Uber for all I care. Ho talking bout, 'I ain't bout to suck no dog dick; that’s a dog."

That's just the first video. He gets even more explicit in the second. These could come down at any moment, so if they're not here it's because Gates finally developed some good sense. (And, no, we don't think Gates is being serious.)

Dats how I feel #BWA #idgt

A video posted by Kevin Gates (@iamkevingates) on

Take dat since you wone talk #BWA #idgt A video posted by Kevin Gates (@iamkevingates) on

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