
Kim Jong Nam's Assassination Was Caught On Tape [VIDEO]

By HHL Editors

Kim Jong Nam, the estranged half brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, was killed last week while walking through the Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia.

New video shows his assassination.

In the clip, two woman approach him. One places a cloth-- which is assumed to contain poison -- over his mouth, and then the two quickly walk away in different directions.

Kim Jong-nam died shortly after the confrontation. He was awaiting a flight back home to Macau.

Malaysian police have arrested four people in the attack, including the two women on camera.

One of the women claims that she was tricked into thinking she was performing a prank for a reality TV show, and had performed similar stunts before for small amounts of money.

Neither woman has a background which suggests they would be involved in such international intrigue, and one was wearing a shirt which read "LOL" during the assassination.

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