
Logic Speaks On Crippling Anxiety Attack Featured On 'Everybody' [VIDEO]

By HHL Editors

Logic is about to be a richer man.

His third album Everybody is set to open at number one, and move up to 250K SPS first week.

But Logic knows first hand that money won't buy happiness.

In the Everybody track 'Anziety', the DMV spitter raps about dealing with the crippling condition.

In a new interview with Tavis Smiley -- which Logic prefaces by saying he paid a million dollars in taxes last year -- he explains how anxiety almost did him in.

"I’ll never forget, literally constantly working, no time to myself, and I was standing in line, it was 2015, and I was standing in line to see Star Wars, it was December, with my wife in Hollywood, downtown. And I start having this crazy physical feeling like I was going to faint. And I’d never really had this feeling before. I felt like my soul was leaving my body. I was freaking out, I felt like I needed to throw up, and low and behold, I ended up finding myself in a hospital bed momentarily later. I didn't know what was going on, and the doctor tells me it was anxiety." I was beginning to feel something called derealization," he continued.  "Now derealization is the sense of being out one's body all the time. What I've later come to realize is that's hyper-analyzation of reality in real time. What that means is that you're over analyzing ever moment you perceive in real time.”
Logic goes on to say that by eating better and taking control of schedule he started to feel less anxious. Check out his words:

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