
Mac Miller Reignites Feud With Donald Trump on 'The Nightly Show'

By Sermon

There was a time when Donald Trump christened Mac Miller "the new Eminem" following the success of 20 million plays on Mac's single 'Donald Trump.' However, when the song hit 40 million plays Trump began hinting he wanted some money from Mac, and things have been rocky between the two ever since.

Last night, Miller decided to address Trump during an appearance on The Nightly Show. He doesn't perform a song' but rather just a rant toward Donald where he attempts to "white-splain" things to him.

"We all know you want to 'make America great again,' but we all know what that really means. Ban Muslims, Mexicans are rapists, black lives don't matter. Make America great again? I think you want to make America white again."
Watch the video below.

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