
Martin Shkreli Sends His 'Rowdy Associates' For DJ Akademiks

By HHL Editors

Martin Shkreli can be an asshat when he's hoarding music or ripping off cancer patients. But he can also be a pretty funny guy.

We saw some of that during his beef with Ghostface Killa.

He sense of humor is evident again in a new fight, this one with an easier target: the Internet's own DJ Akademiks.

It started when Shkreli Twitter-objected to Akademiks take on Shkreli's purchasing of Lil Wayne's notoriously fraught Carter V project.

Last night, he attacked the gossip DJ on YouTube.

Mr. Akademiks, I regret I must address our recent interaction in a public setting,” said Shkreli. “Your insistence on attempting to debase my good name have not gone unnoticed and leave me little choice but to levy a brutal retaliation. Not withstanding your urban, and seemingly aggressive demeanor, I'm unmoved by your persona and -- point in fact -- find your nature amusing. “Despite my requests that my employees refrain from harming you, they are a rowdy and a difficult group to control," he says later. "The mention of my name in your video angered these gentlemen significantly.”
How do you rate Shkreli's troll game?

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