
Mike Huckabee Defends His Criticism Of Beyonce And Jay Z

By HHL Editors

HuckabeePresidential wannabe Mike Huckabee made news earlier this month by accusing Jay Z of "pimping out"  and "sexually exploiting" Beyonce.

Yesterday on The Daily Show Jon Stewart confronted him with those comments, and this is how Huckabee responded.

"Beyonce is a mega talent. So can do anything. She's got the pipes to sing. She has the moves to dance... She doesn't have to be vulgar in order to set a trend. Young girls want to like her. Do you know any parents who has a daughter who says  'honey of if you make really good grades someday when your 12 or 13 we'll get you your own stripper pole.'"
Stewart then pointed out that Huckabee not only had Ted Nugent on his Fox News show, but that the former Arkansas governor even played guitar as Nugent performed his sexually explicit song 'Cat Scratch Fever.' Huckabee rationalized this by saying The Nug's song is for adults whereas Beyonce's are for children.

See the discussion below (the Jay and Bey talk starts at about 2:15) and keep reading for Kat Williams' (very) profane take down of Huckabee.

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