
New Footage Of 'White Boy' Getting Knocked Out At Lil Wayne Show Isn't Good For Weezy

By HHL Editors

Yesterday, video emerged of a fan at a Lil Wayne show in Fort Lauderdale being knocked out by somebody who could have been part of Weezy's security.

Not long before it happened, Wayne had a called out a "white boy" for throwing a beer at him, and speculation was he then sent a goon over to level said white boy. Now we have a photo of what looks to be Wayne directing the thug right before the attack, courtesy of the Palm Beach New Times.

Wayne Goon

As for what the fan did to draw Weezy's ire? Well, he was definitely heckling Wayne by using his iPhone to flash messages like "Fuck Weezy." But he may have had a legit reason to do so. Lil Wayne hadn't arrived at the show, which began at 10:30 PM, until after 3 AM. When he finally did show up he barely played three songs. Needless to say, the audience -- who paid between 80 and 150 bucks a ticket -- weren't happy.

Did the bearded man who got sucker-punched-the-fuck-out also throw beer at Wayne? Maybe, maybe not. But he certainly has himself quite a lawsuit if he wants to pursue it.

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