
OG Maco Says Beyonce Stole Her Video Concept For '7/11' From 'You Guessed It'

By HHL Editors

In the video for OG Maco's breakout single 'You Guessed it,' Maco and his boys dance all about a Washington DC hotel. In the video for the new Beyonce song '7/11' Bey and her girls dance all about a Beverly Hills hotel. Coincidence? OG Maco isn't so sure.

The ATLer took to Twitter yesterday to point out the similarities between the two videos. And then he went after the cult of Beyonce.

OG Twitter OG Maco tweet 2

The 12 million Maco refers to is the almost 12 million views 'You Guessed It,' a viral hit, has on Youtube. ('7/11' is 20 mil and counting.)

You can check out both videos below. Clearly there are some similarities. Does that mean Bey robbed from OG?

We've also attached a third video to prove that when it comes to dancing-in-hotel-visuals it's Christopher Walken and Fatboy Slim's world, and Beyonce and OG Maco are each just living in it.

Posted In: Video