There's a video floating around of a white sorority from the University of New Hampshire rapping along to Kanye West's "Gold Digger," and they don't leave out the part of the chorus that has the N-word.
School officials are looking into the video, and the women could be disciplined. In a Daily Mail column, British journalist and TV personality Piers Morgan said Ye should be to blame, not the sorority.
The way Morgan sees it, it's Kanye and other rappers who make the word a part of pop culture and tell others it's okay to use it. It's a position that Morgan has taken many times before.
That, of course, set off a big social media discussion, which you can see below.
Should white girls be allowed to sing 'niggas'? New column posting very soon.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) September 21, 2017
You need to read the column. Urgently.
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) September 21, 2017
Kanye's a talented, fascinating guy. I just don't understand why if he sings 'niggas', his millions of white fans can't sing it too?
— Piers Morgan (@piersmorgan) September 21, 2017
That new #PiersMorgan article attempting to police, but (of course) profit, black culture is a piece of work. @piersmorgan
— Quentin Harrison (@TheQHBlend) September 21, 2017
When you see #piersmorgan is trending and its not bc he got fired or banned from television in general
— Luv Wins✊Resist (@luvwins2016) September 21, 2017
Hey Piers Morgan,
Fuck off. Sincerely, Twitter — Frederick Douglass (@HITEXECUTIVE) September 21, 2017
piers morgan is actually obsessed with getting reactions out of black people. he's actually sick in the head.
— mi (@helloalegria) September 21, 2017
Retweet this if you think that Piers Morgan should go on a tour of black neighborhoods & explain why white girls should be able to say nigga
— Black Aziz Ansari (@Freeyourmindkid) September 21, 2017
this is 100 percent about you just wanting to write that word
— Chase Mitchell (@ChaseMit) September 21, 2017
What do you think of the whole thing?