
Plies Says He Beat Down The Fan Who Suplexed Him

By HHL Editors

Earlier this month, a Young Thug lookalike got up on Plies's stage and  suplexed the diminutive emcee.

Afterward, the fan -- who yelled out the phrase "color money" before going all WWE -- cut a video in which he explained why he had body slammed one of his top five rappers of all time.

In the clip, the fan was looking pretty beat up. In the new Plies track 'Dayum!', the Florida rapper implies that he was the one who did the beating. Listen:

Here are the appropriate lyrics:

Never seen a niggs try to slam me and slammed his damn self With a hundred grand in my pocket nigga I beat your lil’ ass half to death Chopper game serious nigga, hands on Mayweather level Big brotha always told me you can’t show love to these pussy niggas If you ever ever ever ever ever try me Swear to god on a stack of bibles pussy better kill me By the time security got to me he was already sleep I done got back on stage niggas, started doin' me
Are you buying Plies's claim that he used his "Mayweather-level hands" to put his attacker to "sleep." Here's video of the notorious suplex.

Here's video that shows Plies and security tangling with the fan after the take down.

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