
Police Want To Talk To Diddy After He Allegedly Punched Heckler At Super Bowl Party

By HHL Editors

We know Diddy has a temper. Just ask Drake.

Now the 45-year old's quick fuse may have him in trouble with the law. Scottsdale, Arizona police want to talk to the mogul after he allegedly punched Super Bowl reveler Steven Donaldson in the face.

Donaldson had paid $100 to get into a Diddy hosted post-Super Bowl party at a local nightclub. He felt that he wasn't getting his money's worth because Diddy didn't perform, and then got in Puffy's face and rudely told him so.

TMZ has obtained video of Donaldson heckling Diddy, but it cuts off before any punch happened.

The cops were called, but by then Diddy had left the party. Donaldson, who was described as very intoxicated, filed a battery report. See video of what may have provoked Diddy to violence below.

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