
Ray J's Manger Wack 100 Rip Kanye West Over Putting Ray J In 'Famous' Video

By HHL Editors

So far a few of the 12 nude celebrities Kanye West put in his 'Famous' video have responded.

Chris Brown and George W. Bush have both complained about how they looked at the video, and poor 'lil Taylor Swift has made it clear how horrifying the whole thing is for her.

TMZ tried to get Ray J's comments on being included in the weirdest naked sleepover ever.

He remained mum. But his manager Wack 100 -- of Stitches punching fame -- had a very special message for 'Ye.

"If they didn’t show Ray J with his dick in Kim Kardashian’s mouth then tell Kanye to go back and reshoot that shit," Wack taunted. "Tell that nigga he a long way from Chicago, he better watch his motherfucking mouth," Wack added.
Well, you can't say 'Ye didn't ask for that.

Posted In: Video Kanye West