
Riff Raff Is Training With Hulk Hogan To Be A WWE Wrestler

By HHL Editors

This year, Riff Raff gave up hard drugs and showed up with a new buff physique. While we thought this was part of a health kick, and a new dedication to his music, there may be something else going on.

Yesterday, Hulk Hogan and Jimmy Hart appeared in a YouTube video in which the Hulkster talked about Riff Raff as his new tag team partner. Then, Hulk tweeted out a message saying he "can't wait to start training with my new partner @JODYHiGHROLLER," which is Riff Raff's twitter handle. Riff Raff hit him back, declaring he was preparing to unleash his "neon pythons" on the WWE.

Are you buying into the "neonmania?"

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