
Robbers Try To Hit 7-11 With Fake Guns; Guard Responds With Bullets & Catchphrases


If you're going to commit an armed robbery, you may want to check for armed security guards. 

That goes double when your guns are fake.

Two robbers who tried to knock over a 7-11 in Hamilton, N.J last week learned that lesson the hard way. Watch what went down.

"It's fake", one of the robbers yelled after Steve Harvey's long-lost younger brother comes barreling into the store firing.

"Oh well, mines is real," the sharp-shooting security guard responds.

There was more criminal comedy a few moments later with this exchange.

"Am I shot," the robber who took one in the arm wonders.

"Fuckkk yeah," says the security guard.

It's safe to say the security guard has been waiting his whole life to bust in like that. And he didn't disappoint, catchphrases and all.

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