
Shkreli Pleads The Fifth When Asked By Congress About Wu-Tang Album

By HHL Editors

Martin Shkreli was hauled in front of a congressional committee today so they could grill him about his price gouging ways.

But the pharma-douche wasn't playing their game, and instead continuously evoked his Fifth Amendment right against self-incrimination.

Although he remained silent, he was still able to play into his super villain reputation by making a series of obnoxious expressions for the cameras.

At one point, South Carolina Representative Terry Gowdy tried to get Shkreli to say something by asking about his buying of the Wu-Tang album Once Upon A Time In Shoalin.

“We can even talk about the purchase of Wu-Tang Clan—is that the name of the album? The name of the group?” Gowdy asked Shkreli. He got back the same old Fifth Amendment answer. "Mr. Chairman, I am stunned that a conversation about an album he purchased could possibly subject him to incrimination," Gowdy said.
It was long after that that the committee sent silent Shkreli home.

Shkreli did get a last word in:

Shkreli's performance today reminded us of this:

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