
Snoop Dogg Arrested In Sweden

By HHL Editors

After playing a show in Sweden Saturday night, Snoop Dogg was pulled over in his car and arrested for suspicion of use of narcotics.

"Police carrying out roadside controls noticed that Snoop Dogg (whose car was pulled over) seemed to be under the influence of narcotics. He was arrested and taken to the police station to take a urine test," police spokesperson Daniel Nilsson explained.
Snoop was angry about the arrest, and ranted on Instagram

"Niggas got me in the back of police car right now in Sweden, cuz,” Snoop said in the clip. “Pulled a nigga over for nothing, taking us to the station where I gotta pee in a cup for nothing. I ain’t did nothing. All I did was came to the country and did a concert. And now I gotta go to the police station, for nothing."
He was forced to piss in a cup, and released when it actually came up clean. In additional IG videos, Snoop accuses the cops of racially profiling him, and vows to never return to Sweden.

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