
Steve Francis Gets His Chain Violently Snatched At Sauce Twinz Show [Video]

By HHL Editors

If you are wondering what Steve Francis is doing these days, we can report the 38-year old three-time All Star is still in Houston.

This weekend he took in a show from up-and-comers the Sauce Twinz. In fact, Stevie Franchise was up on stage with the duo.

In a video obtained by TMZ, an argument breaks out among some of the folks on stage. It's unclear if Francis was involved in whatever started it, but as thing got heated somebody took the opportunity to try to snatch the thick chain off of the former baller's neck.

The chain didn't snap, and Francis was pulled violently to the ground. Then it appears he is stepped on, before somebody removes the chain from him and bolts.  Apparently the police weren't called. No word from Francis or the Sauce Twinz about the incident.

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