
Travis Scott Speaks On Fan Injured After Jumping From Balcony

By HHL Editors

Travis Scott shows are always super turnt.

But the craziness got a little out of hand during LaFlame's performance over the weekend at Terminal 5 in New York.

In a video that went viral, Scott is seen encouraging one fan to jump from the second story balcony.

"They gon' catch you. Don't be scared. Fall!" Scott screamed.
He was correct in that case: the crowd did catch him.

However, later in the show another fan attempted the same trick from the third story balcony. That didn't go as well, and he suffered a broken leg and other injuries.

Scott is seen on video giving the injured fan his ring. He also questions why the fan would jump from the higher balcony.

In a statement released by his team, Scott says he intends to offer support to the injured fan.

"The safety of everyone is held in the highest regard and we are currently conducting an internal investigation to ensure that this does not happen again. We are deeply concerned about the guest who was injured and intend to offer him our support."
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