
Unarmed Store Owners Fight Off Two Armed Robbers

By HHL Editors

texas-armedJust because you have guns, doesn't mean you're good at robbing.

That's the lesson from this surveillance video, in which two of the worst robbers ever manage to get chased out of Khurrum Monga's cell phone store in Arlington, Texas even though they have Monga and his son out-handgunned 2-0.

In the clip, one of the armed but hapless criminals dramatically jumps over the counter -- only to be restrained by the Mongas.

[Related: Jimmy John’s cashier gets robbed at gunpoint & just doesn’t give AF.]

The other points his gun at the father and son. But then he decides he's not about that and flees.

The other guy eventually gets away, too. However, their faces are all over the surveillance camera, and we expect they will soon be arrested.

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