
Watch The Full Video Of Suge Knight's Fatal Hit And Run

By HHL Editors

There has been much speculation on what exactly happened when Suge Knight ran over two men in late January, killing Terry Carter.

Now we finally have video of the incident. Knight has been charged with murder, but we're not sure if this clip will definitively prove his guilt or innocence.

As you can see, Knight is confronted by one of the men, Cle "Bone" Sloan, right when he pulls into the set of Straight Outta Compton. Knight's legal team claims Sloan had a gun, and the video doesn't really prove if he does or doesn't.

Knight first throws his truck in reverse, clipping Sloan and knocking him over. Then he comes back for more, running over Sloan again, and also running over and killing Terry Carter.

Carter didn't arrive at the scene with Knight, as had been reported right after the incident.

Knight's lawyers say that Knight gunned his truck back onto the set after hitting Sloan the first time -- instead of leaving on the road he had just came in on -- because a group of armed men were on the road and Knight wanted to get away from them.

That's all off camera, but it would seem that detail will be crucial to Knight's guilt or innocence.

What do you think? Is this video good or bad for Suge? Both sides are claiming it helps their case.

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