21 Savage pulled out all of the stops for his Savage Mode 2 album.
The Anglo-American rapper even got the Voice of God Morgan Freeman to explain the difference between snitches, rats, and regular citizens on the project's 'Snitches & Rats' interlude. While the Hollywood legend doesn't mention Tekashi 6ix9ine's name, his words certainly seem directed at the troll rapper.
21Savage and MetroBoomin really got MorganFreeman in the stu to diss 6ix9ine in thier album for a whole entire minute! pic.twitter.com/J5A07J3w7S
— Raphouse Tv (@Raphouse_Tv) October 2, 2020
"A regular citizen who reports seeing a crime isn't a "snitch" or a "rat," the criminals were just sloppy. Snitches and rats are not the same thing, let me break it down to make sure y'all see what I mean. A "snitch" is someone minding other folks' business. To find information they can sell for a price or trade for some other form of compensation. A "rat" is a traitor, a conceiver, planner or physical participatory. He doesn't sell secrets for power or cash, he betrays the trust of his team or his family hoping to save his own cowardly ass. The difference is, at least a snitch is human, but a rat is a f*ckin' rat, period," Freeman narrates.
For his part, 6ix9ine has embraced the rat label since being released early from prison this summer.