
Did Aldon Smith & Colin Kaepernick Fight Over Hot 97's Nessa Before Smith's Arrest?

By HHL Editors

Early this morning, the San Francisco 49ers troubled linebacker Aldon Smith was arrested for hit-and-run, driving under the influence and vandalism charges, prompting the team to release him.

It's a strange trio of charges, and now we have insight into what may have caused them.

According to TMZ's sources, Smith and Colin Keapernick had fought during practice earlier this week, with teammates having to pull them apart. Until recently, Smith had been dating Hot 97 personality Nessa, and the word is she's moved on to Kaepernick.

There are rumors swirling that Smith ended up dealing with his QB moving in on his ex by getting drunk, smashing into Kaepernick's [probably parked] car, and driving away. Hence the charges of DUI, hit-and-run and vandalism.

Here are some more photos of the DJ causing all the big problems in San Fran:

Nessa 3 Nessa 2 Nessa 1 pixel_end
Posted In: Sports