
Antonio Brown Has Apologized To Ben Roethlisberger


Antonio Brown said some pretty nasty things about Ben Roethlisberger on the way out of Pittsburgh, calling his former QB a loser and claiming he had an "owner's mentality."

Now he's changing his tune.  AB, who's been in meltdown mode for the past year, jumped on IG and apologized to Roethlisberger.

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Mostly you a little bit of me ! Yee yee !! I never realized how good I had it, got caught up in my emotion with everyone coming after me I really apologize for my actions sincerely man ! It’s never been another connection like what we done in the past decade. I appreciate you. Sincerely AB

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"Mostly you a little bit of me ! Yee yee !! I never realized how good I had it, got caught up in my emotion with everyone coming after me I really apologize for my actions sincerely man ! It’s never been another connection like what we done in the past decade. I appreciate you. Sincerely AB," Brown typed under a photo of the two of them.

It's the second time this week he has apologized to Big Ben, as he also included him a broader apology offered out on 93.7 The Fan in Pittsburgh.

"I apologize to those guys for the distractions, the unwanted attention that I probably caused those guys, to the organization," AB siaid. Obviously you want to clear out any baggage or any disrespect or unintended attention that was brought on to the organization. These guys gave me an opportunity when I was 21 years old. I'm forever grateful to those guys, to have the opportunity to not only play with those guys but to be in so many amazing moments.

"We've been through so much. I'm forever grateful and indebted to this organization. Mr. Rooney, Mike Tomlin, Kevin Colbert, Ben Roethlisberger, I started my career with those guys. A lot of beautiful moments, a lot of positive things, so it’s not all bad. I just think from an emotional standpoint, when things got bad, they just seemed bad. But we had a lot more good moments than bad."

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