Gillie Da Kid has unfollowed Wiz Khalifa on social media...
The Philly rapper and podcast host claims that he loves Wiz, but is sick of seeing "balls" every morning when he wakes up.
“Every time I come on your page, you’re in your drawers, man,” Gillie said. “You giving up strap and ball action, man. Every day? I can’t do eight balls in the corner pocket every day when I wake up, so you know I had to unfollow you. I love you though, you my brother for life.”
What Gillie is referring to is Wiz's attire for the gym, which is usually just a pair of very short and skin-tight shorts.
Of course, Wiz wasn't having it, and addressed Gillie (without saying his name), and compared him to the people who made fun of smart people in high school.
“I’m only dressed this one time,” Wiz said. “The same n*ggas telling me to put clothes on in the gym or unfollowing me because I make them uncomfortable, y’all the same n*ggas who laughed at people when they read in high school or said that you sound stupid because you sound smart. Y’all are negative, and you know what I do with negativity? See ya."
Check it out below.