
Lil Duval Surprises His Homie Who Just Got Out With a Car And More


Lil Duval's comedy partner Jayski had been locked up for a bit.

But he just got out, and Duval made sure he knew he was missed by picking him up and gifting him a 96 Impala.

THE VP FREE!!!!!!!! #wereback #mitchandaceofthegame

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That Paid In Full style reunion wasn't all. Duval also took Jayski to the Yves Saint Laurent counter at the local mall.

We back at it!!!! Had to stop and get some smell good 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 #theVPfree #richbrokelifestyle

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Here they are enjoying freedom.

Down witcha til the very end, cuz u ain’t never had a friend like me.

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Duval's been supporting Jayski throughout his ordeal.

Posted In: Video Lil Duval