Logic penned a new memoir titled The Bright Future that'll be out on September 7. In it, he writes about his sucide prevention song "1-800-273-8255” and how much hate he received after dropping it.
The rapper said on one hand he accomplished his goal of putting a much-needed spotlight on an important topic, which he's happy about.
"Calls to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline spiked by something like 50 percent," he wrote in an exert published by GQ. "I wanted to bring these issues of mental health and suicide to the forefront of people’s minds and make them stop and look and pay attention, and I did."
But others felt that Logic sold out after releasing the song, which he went into detail about.
“The blowback and abuse I’d experienced in the wake of the VMAs was like nothing I’d ever experienced,” wrote Logic. “Everything I’d seen up to that point was mild in comparison. It was a tsunami of hate, and I couldn’t turn it off ... The same fans who had heard ‘1-800’ and been like, ‘This is amazing. This is so special. This is needed,’ now were the ones going, ‘This sucks’ and ‘He’s too mainstream.’ The most popular thing I’d ever done, the song that was going seven times platinum, suddenly became ‘the worst song Logic ever made.’"
Why do you think Logic talks so much about people disliking him instead of focusing on those that love him?