Last summer, a Brooklyn jury found disgraced pharmacy executive and collector of rap albums Martin Shkreli guilty on two counts of securities fraud and a single count of conspiracy. He was acquitted on five other charges.
He faced up to 20 years. He was just sentenced to seven. Prosecutors had asked for 15.
Shkreli cried as U.S. District Judge Kiyo read the sentence.
"I want the people who came here today to support me to understand one thing, the only person to blame for me being here today is me," he said. "I took down Martin Shkreli."
He also apologized to his investors.
"I am terribly sorry I lost your trust," he said. "You deserve far better."
On top of the seven years, the 34-year old was fined $75,000. He will receive credit for the roughly six months he has been in prison.
The Feds have also been authorized to seize $7.3 million of Shkreli's assets, including the one-of-a-kind Wu-Tang Clan album Once Upon a Time in Shaolin and the Lil' Wayne album Tha Carter V.