Kendrick Lamar just stuck up for Azealia Banks' favorite social media target Iggy Azalea in an interview with Billboard mag.
But that's not what has the notorious Twitter troll furious at Lamar. Instead, Banks objected to another part of the interview, in which Lamar expressed a nuanced point of view on Michael Brown and Ferguson.
“What happened to [Michael Brown] should've never happened. Never," Lamar told Billboard. "But when we don’t have respect for ourselves, how do we expect them to respect us? It starts from within. Don’t start with just a rally, don’t start from looting — it starts from within."This is how Azealia responded to that earlier today:
"When we don't respect ourselves how can we expect them to respect us" dumbest shit I've ever heard a black man say. — AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
Lol do you know about the generational effects of poverty, racism and discrimination? — AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
There are things in society that benefit a select few of us. fine.... But don't put down the rest by saying they don't respect themselves — AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
HOW DARE YOU open ur face to a white publication and tell them that we don't respect ourselves.... Speak for your fucking self. — AZEALIA BANKS (@AZEALIABANKS) January 9, 2015
Does Banks have a point, or is this just more trolling from the troll queen?
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