Not the best day yesterday for Iggy Azalea. She was shut out at the Grammys, and her award show hairstyle was the subject of much mockery.
She also had the Papa John's driver who had delivered her a pie earlier give out her phone number to members of his family, who then tried to contact the Australian via text. Iggy took to Twitter to criticize this leak of her information, and then got into it with the pizza chain -- threatening a lawsuit.
@PapaJohns I ordered a cheese pizza but instead I got tons of calls and messages like this one. — IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) February 8, 2015
@PapaJohns and this is all your supervisor has to say about it #ProfessionalAsFuck — IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) February 8, 2015
@iggyazalea #We should have known better. Customer and employee privacy is important to us. Please don’t #bounce us! — Papa John's Pizza (@PapaJohns) February 9, 2015
@PapaJohns I don't think data breach is funny. I expect you to contact me to explain how you are going to rectify your breach — IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) February 9, 2015
@PapaJohns of my personal information in a satisfactory and professional way or lawsuit will be filed. — IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) February 9, 2015
@DiGiornoPizza I know right! — IGGY AZALEA (@IGGYAZALEA) February 9, 2015
As you can see, Iggy gets considerably more grumpy between her 5:12 PM and 12:19 AM tweets -- which happens to be the time period Iggy was at the Grammys. So I guess we can surmise that getting shut out like she did put a damper on her mood.
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