Kyrie Irving deciding not to get the COVID-19 vaccine has caused a huge debate both in and out of the basketball world.
At the moment, the NBA star can't join his team the Brooklyn Nets until he gets vaccinated. So far, people like Chance The Rapper have supported Irving's decision, while folks like Magic Johnson came down on him.
"You letting them down. And then that hurts our chances of winning a championship. I would never do that to my teammates," said Magic about Irving during an interview with CBS News.
Afterward, some said that Magic was still allowed to play in the NBA after being diagnosed with HIV in the early '90s, which Plies responded to.
People Say The NBA Let Magic Play With HIV. U Can’t Contract HIV From Shaking Hands, Hugging, Coughing, & Running Up & Down The Court. COVID U CAN. HIV Is Transmitted Thru 🩸(💉Or Unscreened), Birth & Unprotected Sex. If Players Were Havin Babies, Sex Or Sharing 💉 U Had A Point!
— Plies (@plies) October 20, 2021
"People Say The NBA Let Magic Play With HIV," tweeted Plies. "U Can’t Contract HIV From Shaking Hands, Hugging, Coughing, & Running Up & Down The Court. COVID U CAN. HIV Is Transmitted Thru 🩸(💉Or Unscreened), Birth & Unprotected Sex. If Players Were Havin Babies, Sex Or Sharing 💉 U Had A Point!"
Who are you siding with on this debate?