
Watch Professional Wrestler Hannibal Stab Ref In the Head For Real


We all know professional wrestling is fake.

But it can still be dangerous.

Especially if one of the wrestlers takes it too far or goes completely rogue.

One of those two things happened at a World Class Pro Wrestling event in Irving, Texas on Saturday when Devon Nicholson who wrestles as  "Hannibal" or "Blood Hunter, stabbed the ref in the head with an iron spike multiple times.


Luckily, the ref, Lando Deltoro, will be OK.  But he's not looking so good after stitches.

Hannible will banned from all of his future World Class Pro Wrestling events 

"World Class moving forward will not be associated with Devon Nicholson," World Class Wrelsting Owner Jerry Bostic said. "I cannot and will not condone what happened last night."

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